Holiday Magic

Easy to make and perfect for kids!

As we are in this holiday season, make a conscious decision to slow things down and you might actually enjoy the holidays again!  We get caught up in the commercial lure of all the shiny new stuff, but when I think back to my fondest memories, they were centered on moments, not purchases.  Seeing the neighborhood transformed into a winter wonderland of sparkling lights, greeting strangers with cheerful “Merry Christmas!’ and getting warmed up with a hot cup of cocoa topped with marshmallows on a chilly night.  Of course there were the huge family dinners with everyone crammed into grandma’s house, and I’d get stuck at the kids’ card table with some weird three pronged fork because they ran out of silverware, but overall, the memories are good ones.  To help you make this season a memorable one, I’ve got a few ideas to help you make some magic memories!     

Be Gracious

There is no greater flex than having a peaceful home.  Home is a refuge, so as you decorate for each holiday, consider what you are creating.  Is it a welcoming and cheerful wonderland for your children and guests to revel in, or is it a beautiful but untouchable cold museum?  For example- I think white lights on a Christmas tree are angelic, but my kids love the colored lights.  So guess what goes on my Christmas tree?  Colored lights!  Yes it’s my house, but I decorate to see my kids faces light up because that is what makes me happy.

As our families expand and blended families try to juggle weekends, you can relieve a lot of stress by being flexible.  Rather than fight over 1 single day or the holiday is ruined, you can choose a different day.  We used to have a big Thanksgiving meal the Saturday before Thanksgiving so I got to celebrate with my son and not force him to “choose” who he spent Thanksgiving with.  That way, he got to celebrate with both sides of his family rather than watch us ruin the holiday fighting over him.

Be Generous

 If you didn’t have a Rockwell childhood full of magic moments, guess what?  You are in charge now!  Treat your inner child to all the activities you wanted to enjoy, but never got the chance.  Bake cookies, go ice skating, make paper snowflakes and deck the halls!  There is no age limit on fun or laughter, so you have full permission to treat yourself.  If you can’t find a way to do this for yourself, then be that person for someone else.  You can sponsor a kid from the Angel Tree, donate to the Lancaster Children’s Home, or donate to the Hope Food Bank.

If you want to multiply your efforts, collect canned food as the “price of admission”.  This works for school activities like the winter concerts, or even your own family gatherings.  This way, you give other families a chance to open their hearts give too!

Commit to spending time with the elders in your family and actively listen to their stories.  This gift of time and attention is one of the most precious things you can give.  It is not just a gift that will make them feel loved and appreciated, it is also a gift to yourself.  We all wish we’d spent more time cherishing loved ones we’ve lost.

Be Creative

I am a huge fan of roasted turkey and ham, but by New Year’s I have had enough.  To side step this dilemma, here’s a tip from my friend Jaime James.  Her family hosts “Feliz Navidad” every Christmas Eve where they serve tacos, nachos and burritos.  It was such a tasty idea that we’ve adopted it over the last few years!  If you are hosting a Christmas party this year, it could be the theme that sets your apart! 

For a ladies group you can host an ornament exchange.  This is a great way gather with friends and exchange gifts that won’t break the bank.  You can number the gifts and draw numbers to see who gets what.  Every family has different rules for how to play and how many times you can “steal”, so establish those rules first so no one gets mad when their gift is stolen! 

For a fun kids party you can host a Grinch Brunch.  Have your little guest dress in their fuzzy pajamas and serve green pancakes (or waffles) with strawberries and whipped cream.  Play the movie while you eat and decorate cookies.  You can also do a gift exchange at this party.  We did an impromptu one once where I wrapped up items from my pantry.  You should have seen the look on the kid’s face when he unwrapped an onion!  Most of the kids exchanged their random pantry gifts for a piece of candy, except the kid that got a bottle of ketchup.  He was so happy he took that home! 

For a fun teen party, make personal pizzas and watch Gremlins.  Have toppings on hand like pepperoni, bacon bits, mushrooms, ham, pineapple and banana peppers so your guests can customize their own pizza.  As for the movie, don’t you remember the Gremlin jumping out of the Christmas tree?  That qualifies it as a classic holiday movie right?  You can always scratch the movie part and have a scavenger hunt!  Make a list of things found in & around your house and have them take selfies for points.  Again, agree on the rules up front so its clear on how to win.

For a delicious Sunday dinner (and a break from turkey and ham!), try serving your family a delicious lasagna soup.  It’s easier to cook than a regular lasagna, but tastes just as good!  Each person “assembles” their lasagna soup in their bowl, so they can get as little or as much mozzarella and ricotta cheese as they’d like.  This is a crowd pleaser and really hits the spot on a cold gray day.  It can also be doubled or tripled to serve a small crowd.

If you are still overwhelmed with the commercialization of the holidays, read Luke Chapter 1 & 2.  Believe it or not, you won’t find mention of the North Pole, toy making elves or a Christmas tree.  It’s refreshing to be reminded that this is a season of wonder at the birth of our Savior, not a season to impress our friends and neighbors with things we can’t really afford.  Keep this in mind as you feel the stress come on and it will help you prioritize your time and efforts. 

Two final tips:  To enjoy the holidays to the fullest, the earlier you start, the longer you get to savor it!  And when you get everyone together, go ahead and take your pictures first, then put your phones away!  You can post your pics and check out social media later when everyone’s gone home, but there is no point in physically being in the room, but your mind is checked out.  Give you family and friends your full attention this holiday!

I hope you enjoy a wonderful season full of happy holidays & I hope you and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas! 

Perfect for these chillynights!

Lazy Man’s Lasagna Soup by Melanie Knight (serves 6)

  • 1 lb ground Italian sausage
  • 1/2 tbl minced garlic
  • 1 cup diced Vidalia onion
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • ½ tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp beef boullion
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 cup frozen spinach (optional)
  • 3 tbl tomato paste
  • 14.5 oz crushed tomatoes
  • 14.5 oz diced tomatoes
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 4 lasagna noodles (broken into 3rds – then in half so each piece has 1 ruffled edge)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

For assembly

  • 8 oz ricotta cheese
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ½ grated parmesan

Directions:  Brown the Italian sausage over medium heat in a large pot.  Add in the onions and garlic and cook until transparent.  Add in Italian seasoning, basil, beef bouillon, water, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, sugar and spinach (optional).  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 mins.  Add in the broken lasagna noodles and cook another 10 mins.  Salt & Pepper to taste

Each bowl:  Put 1 spoonful of ricotta cheese on the bottom of the bowl.  Top with 1 cup lasagna soup, sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.  Enjoy!

Grinch Waffles, so cute your heart will grow 3 sizes!

Make your waffle mix according to the package directions, but add in a few drops of green food coloring.  Cook per directions.  Top with sliced strawberries and whip cream.  For extra cuteness, cut out a large, medium and small heart from your strawberries for each plate.