A journey of a thousand miles…

I am addicted to the learning curve- yes seriously- I go through hobbies and interests like people go through paper plates.  I grew up an Army brat moving every 3 years, but have now lived in the same place for 20 years and the only way I can satisfy my need for change is to continuously learn.  While I LOVE it, I know it drives my family crazy because they can never pin down my likes.  Things that have NOT changed in my life, my love of adventure, reading and the color green.  When I fixate on a subject, I am all consumed by it, almost master it, then drop it like a bad habit.  It’s all very normal for me, but to outsiders, I’m sure I come across as flaky.  You want to a list of things I’ve explored?  Here goes…

  • certified beekeeper
  • belly dancing (2 yrs)
  • candle making
  • quilt making
  • beading
  • chickens (yes the ones that lay blue eggs just like Martha Stewart)
  • cooking- I still love this one
  • stone masonry
  • tile
  • remodeling houses
  • camping- still love this too- only it’s starting to feel like a lot of work
  • travelling- love to go, but LOVE to come home
  • costume making (won Halloween couple contest 2 years)
  • reading- never gets old
  • writing- this comes in waves
  • painting
  • stuffed animal making- short lived
  • gardening-flowers
  • gardening-produce
  • gardening-fruit trees
  • archeology
  • tubing
  • rafting
  • horseback riding
  • voice lessons
  • soap making
  • road tripping
  • National Parks

As you can see, the list is diverse and there is no connecting theme.  It’s just the way I’m built.  My current goals are to learn Mandarin & to learn 6 basic chords on the guitar.  I’ve attempted these several times, but want to get serious this time.  So, I’m going to watch Stephen Duneier’s TED Talk and get started.  Please hold me accountable!  I’ve got the Living Language course in Mandarin to follow and a Youtube series for guitar.  I’ll post updates on my progress which I hope you’ll cheer me on!

Why Chinese?  Well, I watched the series Firefly years ago and that started a spark, then just read Crazy Rich Asians and that has now got me fired up to learn.

Why guitar?  Well, let’s just say that when I run into Johnny Depp, I’d like to have something in common to talk about.  AND playing guitar is probably as cool as I will ever get since I am a straight up NERD.